
QuickTronic® ProStart® T5HO 4-Lamp Electronic Ballast Each

SKU: XI514


Sold in multiples of 1

  • Allows operation in industrial applications using a 480V AC system, eliminating the need to rewire existing 480V installations or to drop the voltage by using expensive and bulky transformers
  • Specifically designed for high ambient temperature applications of up to 90°, making them an ideal choice for settings such as industrial high-bay lighting
  • RoHS compliant and features lead-free solder and manufacturing process
  • "Switching" ballast is designed to switch from 4 to 2-lamps, 3 to 2-lamps, 3 to 1-lamp or 2 to 1-lamp
  • Switching feature can be used with control interfaces, including occupancy sensors

Price CAD: $205.00

Shipping Weight (lbs): 2.244

This is a special order item. You require a minimum combined total of $150.00 of any of these items in order to check out.

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